Major postoperative complications included temporal aphasia ( 1 patients ) , cerebral edema ( 2 ) , facial nerves palsies ( 1 ) and cerebrospinal fluid leakage ( 1 case ) 术后一过性失语1例,脑水肿2例,周围性面瘫1例,脑脊液耳漏1例,腰穿引流后好转。
It can also cure all sorts of gathering and no gathering inflammation , such as eyelid edge inflammation , seeping otitis media , central retina inflammation , gathering otitis media , chronic pharyngitis , oral ulcer , tongue pain , perleche , facial nerve palsy , bronchitis , rheumatoid arthritis , shoulder - joint - around inflammation , spot baldhead , belt sore , outside pudenda scratch and itch disease , foetus position abnormal etc . , all about 100 diseases Jh30型氦氖激光治疗仪,还可配合光导纤维输出激光,除作体表照射外,可用于腔洞组织及穴位的照射治疗。常规配置有一进一出光纤或一进二出光纤输出激光。专用与穴位照射的光纤有一进四出光纤,光纤输出端可配接穴位固定盘。